Welcome to RTHS

The Rideau Township Historical Society (RTHS) was formed in 1974, the same year the historic townships of North Gower and Marlborough were joined to form Rideau Township. The RTHS mission is to "preserve the past to enrich the future" by increasing awareness of and access to the history of the former Rideau Township, which was amalgamated into the City of Ottawa in 2001.

The symbols in the RTHS crest (see above) reflect the pursuits of the early settlers in the area. As illustrated in the images at right, river transport and commerce, forestry, agriculture and livestock were the essential ingredients that enabled the founding townships of North Gower and Marlborough to realize Peace, Plenty and Progress.

Crest Image Graphic

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RTHS News, Events & Interests

Our February Event

Event Poster-Feb-2025-print

Please note that attendance at this event is In-Person only -- ZOOM attendance is not available. Pre-registration is NOT required.

Most events are offered both In-person and via ZOOM. Registration is ONLY necessary for ZOOM participation so we can send you the ZOOM connection information when it's available.

Featured Article

Clearing Winter Roads in Rideau ~ 1940s

Source: The Tweedsmuir History of Kars, Vol.4. Published by the Kars Women's Institute. Used courtesy of the Rideau Branch, City of Ottawa Archives, North Gower.


Snow clearing was the responsibility of the farmer, and it was each man's duty to look after his own part of the road. Several men worked together with their teams to clear a stretch of road. They used a board tied to a sleigh to wing the snow back. The road was just wide enough for one car to pass. The horses plowed just one width of a sleigh. There were turn-outs made in the entrances of laneways or in the few places where the drifts were shallow. Horses and sleighs did not require perfectly cleared roads, and unless there was an emergency, such as the arrival of a baby, when the neighbours got together and dug a way for the doctor, people stayed at home when it stormed. Township roads were not plowed regularly until after the Second World War.

Mr. John Kirkpatrick of Kars, tells the following snow story:

Recently on the RTHS Facebook Page

The RTHS Facebook page continues to add new posts daily (Monday to Friday). A sampling of recent posts include:

  • The Presence of the Past in Rideau Township:
    • The Lindsay's and Lindsay's Wharf
    • 2320 Andrew Street, North Gower
    • 5550 Manotick Main St., Manotick
    • Lot 4, NW corner of Lord Nelson & Washington Streets, Kars
  • S.S.#4 Marlborough (Malakoff) 1908
  • S.S.#2 North Gower (Watterson's Corners) 1942
  • S.S.#4 Marlborough (Malakoff) 1963-64
  • S.S.#6 Marlborough (Goodstown) 1908
  • Oil excitement in North Gower
  • Manotick's Post Offices
  • School History: S.S.#11 North Gower (Phelan School)
  • History of the North Gower Fire Department
  • Traditional threshing lives on in Pierce's Corners
  • Kars Profile #1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Manotick Profile #1, 2, 3, & 4
  • North Gower Profile #1, 2, 3, & 4
  • Burritt's Rapids Profile #1 & 2
  • Farm history in Rideau: Lot 12,  West half, Concession A, North Gower
  • The oldest original document in the Rideau Archives


Preserving the Past to Enrich the Future