RTHS Resources

Exploring history is a voyage of discovery. It is a journey that, once the flame of interest has been lit, is virtually never-ending. Through our inquiry, people, places and events from the past come alive to enlighten, entertain and inform, and to remind us that there is almost always more to a story than meets the eye.

Ideally, the study of local history enables us to better understand and appreciate our past, and maybe even our present. Ultimately, perhaps the lessons learned from what has gone before can help us shape a positive future for ourselves and our communities.

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The Rideau Branch of the City of Ottawa Archives, located in North Gower is a goldmine of local historical and heritage material. Click the heading to learn more about the Rideau Archives.

The reports RTHS prepares  on each of our special presentations, as well as the Special Interest articles that appear on our Home page are archived as blog posts in this section . Click the heading to visit and search the Post archive.

RTHS distributes a monthly newsletter to members. Each newsletter reports on current events in the society, as well as articles of historical interest. Click on the heading to search the Newsletter archive.

RTHS maintains connections with a wide range of history and heritage focused sites we believe could be of interest to our members. Click on the heading to check these out.