Book Review: St. Andrew’s Kars — A Family Church, 1835-2008

Author: Susan McKellar. Reviewed by Jane Anderson

Susan McKellar is leaving a lasting legacy to a local Presbyterian congregation in her recently published book, “St. Andrew’s Kars: A Family Church, 1835-2008”. This book, with its eye-catching cover, will also be of interest to the citizens of Kars and surrounding communities. It includes information on the early Presbyterian churches in North Gower and Osgoode that were forerunners of the United churches in those villages. St. Andrew’s has also had strong ties to the Presbyterian churches in Manotick and Vernon as well as the Kars Anglican church.

The book is beautifully illustrated with photos of clergy, families and memorabilia from over the years, and will serve as a valuable reference tool for now and in the future. It is crammed with biographies of the families and clergy from 1835 onwards. As a bonus, there is a CD included in the price, filled with pictures of members of the congregation past and present. McKellar is to be complimented for her meticulous research and fantastic photography.

“St. Andrew’s Kars: A Family Church, 1835-2008” costs $40 and is worth every penny. What a wonderful gift for anyone with any connection to St. Andrew’s. The book will be formally launched at a book-signing on October 19 (11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) at St. Andrew’s, but copies are also available now at the Kars General Store and the Manotick Office Pro.